
In a 50 litre maximum of alchohol and water, quantity of water is 30%. What amount of water should be added to this mixture so as to make the quantity of water 45% in the new mixture?

A17 7/11 litre

B15 7/11 litre

C13 7/11 litre

D14 7/11 litre


C. 13 7/11 litre


In the present mixture 35 Litre is Alcohol and 15 ltr is water And in the new mixture, only water is added. Alcohol remains same ie, 35 Ltr. If x litre water is added then new mixture contain (50 + x ) litre. According to the question new mixture should contain 45% of water ie, 55% of alcohol. (50 + x) * 55/100 = 35 x = 13 7/11 Litre

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