This is the _____ watch in the store.

The weather today is _____ than yesterday.

The girl was wearing _____ yellow frock with red frills at the cuffs.

Pick out the one word for 'absence of law and order':

The Kashmir Valley is_______ place on earth.

The word 'Tsunami' is derived from which language?

Pick out the correct word or sentence from the options.

Select the correct spelling from amongst the given alternatives.

Select the word which is nearly the same in meaning to the given word. (Emaciated)

Add a prefix to get the opposite meaning of the word 'Grace'

If you learn well.

Pick out the correct word or sentence from the options.

Choose the most appropriate one word that substitute for the descriptions given below. The science or study of the development of a language.

Select the correct spelling from amongst the given alternatives.

Beggar said to Ramu, "Give some water". The reported form of the above sentence is____________

Kannan said, "I wrote a letter".

The police officer interrogated the accused person. Replace the word "interrogated" with its synonym.

"Rama and Krishna are brothers". In this sentence 'and' is :

Which of the following is a one word for "the custom of having only one wife"?

Which is the right spelling?

Choose the suitable one word for 'best among the works' :

I prefer novels _________ travelogue.

Substitute a one word for 'a place where money is coined':

Which of the following is a one word for "A government by a King or a Queen"?

Choose the incorrectly spelt word :

Choose the correct sentence from the following:

Choose the synonym of “Embezzle” ?

‘Don't play at night’ Is a/an_____ sentence ?

I have _____ pens than you ?

A _____ of lions.

The synonym of the word ' Brevity '

None of the players came in time, _____ ?

I am familiar ____ this locality.

Choose the incorrectly spelt word :

The synonym of ‘Grotesque’ :

"Opus-magnum" means :

Rahul is fond of eating Chocolates. 

Find out the gerund in the sentence.

Masculine gender of 'Doe' ?

The term 'Rendezvous' means ?

Masculine gender of 'Traitress' ?

The opposite of stagnant is

This years monsoon has been _________ in the last two decades.

________ the Panchayath President nor the members attended the meeting.

'Don't play at night' is a/an _______ sentence.

' Parsimonious ' means ?

Choose the antonym of the word: 'rigid'

Meena danced well, ______

A synonym for 'barren' is :

We will ______ next week.

Deepu along with his friends _____ preparing for civil service examination.